Fatuma Salo, Mbeya, Tanzania (The Epoch Times)
Mbeya, Tanzania
Fatuma Salo, 85, Peasant
To live for God and my daughter is the only philosophy I have now.
Chrystal Hapuku, Hamilton, New Zealand (The Epoch Times)
Hamilton, New Zealand
Chrystal Hapuku, 31, Secondary School English Teacher
Play the game hard, and love your family. I believe in putting all my effort and energy into being the best mother, wife, and teacher that I can be. You only get one chance, and you don?t want to waste it.
Pedro Antonio Jimenez Perez, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (The Epoch Times)
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, (Canary Islands), Spain
Pedro Antonio Jimenez Perez, 30, IT Engineer
Since I?ve left behind the time when I used to ask myself if there is something after this life, or if there is any superior being that controls our steps, my life philosophy is about trying to enjoy to the maximum, every moment in a good manner. To reach this goal, I have given myself several rules, which are: respect and love others, respect what our elders left for us so that we can leave it for the next generations, forget everything related with those people who were, are, or will be, an obstacle in my life, and try to smile and be kind to all the people I know.
William Quispe, Lima, Peru (The Epoch Times)
Lima, Peru
William Quispe, 29, Computer Technician
I think that it is necessary to have a calm life, and to work for the service of others. I am currently working, and I have hope for a better world with the intention of being a better person, and to take chances.
Kerry-Anne Temete, Buderim, Australia (The Epoch Times)
Buderim, Australia
Kerry-Anne Temete, 25,?Sports Worker?- hoping to get more precise job
I?ve got on my mind at the moment: it?s 2012 and it?s beginning, and starting, and ending. Where is it going to go from there? I?m not too sure. My expectations, on what?s going to happen in 2012, is live life to the fullest as if it?s going to end this year. You know, treat every day and appreciate every day as it comes; that?s my philosophy on 2012 really, if it?s going to end.
Erika Paola Rodriguez, Tunja, Colombia (The Epoch Times)
Tunja, Colombia
Erika Paola Rodriguez, 27, Electronics Engineer
Living in peace; doing things that one would like, things I want to share, for a big part of the time, with my family; and continue to grow intellectually, and spiritually. I believe in God
Maria Vasilescu, Bucharest, Romania (The Epoch Times)
Bucharest, Romania
Maria Vasilescu, 16, Student
Life is an unknown element so I like letting things come by themselves. I don?t want to force the hand of destiny.
Lena Faldt, Aneby, Sweden (The Epoch Times)
Aneby, Sweden
Lena Faldt, 37, Nurse
I don?t know if I have any [life philosophy]. What I usually give my time to is to be with nature and/or be with my dogs. There is nothing better than to pack a backpack with lunch, and take the dogs out for a long walk in the forest. I also like to work with potted plants and flowers, plant new ones, and so on. I love the garden.
Paulo Rivera, Puerto Montt, Chile (The Epoch Times)
Puerto Montt, Chile
Paulo Rivera, 30, Salesman
My philosophy of life is to have a very simple manner that will not trouble me artificially, to have a calm life, to be as tolerant as possible, to have good relationships with those around me, and to learn the best that life can teach me, and, for later, to transfer these lessons in life to the next generations.
Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week?s global question:?What is your greatest concern about nuclear weapons today???
Source: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/world/global-q-amp-a-what-is-your-life-philosophy-194125.html
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